Delegates are one of most complex and simplest concept in .Net ;) .
Delegates in c# are defained as Function Pointers. Those functions can be an instance function or a static function. In case of instance function delegeate store the reference of that object in its property called "Target".
Once an instance function is added to a deletegate then that function will always be invoked by delegate event if you set instance to null................
Lets take an example :
using System; static class Program { [STAThread] static void Main() { EventHandelerClass handeler = new EventHandelerClass("My Text"); delShow showMe = new delShow(handeler.OnShow); handeler.Text = "Changed "; handeler = null; // set to null GC.Collect(); // Make sure it is released Console.WriteLine(showMe(" From Delegate")); Console.ReadLine(); } } public delegate String delShow(String msg); public class EventHandelerClass { public String Text { get; set; } public EventHandelerClass(string text) { Text = text; } public String OnShow(String msg) { return this.Text + msg; } }
Above program will display message "My Text From Delegate" even if handeler is set to null.
This is because when you add a instance method to a delegate it store reference of that instance in its "Target" property. When we set handeler = null actually we are saying now "handeler" will no longer point to the address but delegate "showMe" is still pointing to same address ( ref How reference types are stored ? ).
Whole idea is once we have assign a function pointer to a delegate or event it will always call it ; simply setting instance to null will not remove the handler. To remove handler we need to either use "-=" or "MulticastDelegate.Remove" method.
I faced this problem while implementing MVP in one of my project where I have disposed a consumer form but the event handler was still called. in my next article I will try to explain MVP implementation in detail.
Nice Article and useful too. Even when handler is set to null then also the delegate function is getting called :). Should be asked in Interviews :)
Very helpful article, it's really great help for developer like me who are in search of this solution.
really very helpful. thanks
That's really helpful. thanks a lot.
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